


A Beacon of God's hope for Blandford & Beyond






A Beacon of God's hope for Blandford & Beyond


WELCOMEWorship & Prayer

EVENTSChildren & FamiliesHeritage NEWS



Welcome to our website. We are a growing Evangelical Anglican Church at the heart of the historic Georgian town of Blandford Forum.


We are a dynamic community of faith on a journey of growth, seeking to engage with and make a difference in our town and the area beyond. We believe that God in the person of Jesus Christ offers hope to all, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.


Our Sunday gatherings reflect both traditional and contemporary styles; always with Jesus as the focus of our worship.


We’d love you to join us as we seek to be...


“A Beacon of God’s Hope for Blandford and Beyond.”


Many Blessings,


Revd Chris Beaumont

Lead Minister





Services across each Month

(pattern may vary - check here to confirm)

1st Sunday

10am Joint Communion Service

with Explorers Children's Ministry

6pm Going Deeper

a "filling station"-type event for North & Central Dorset


2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays

9am Traditional Service

Formal, reflective & liturgical with hymns

11am Contemporary Service

Relaxed, informal and family friendly 

with worship band and Explorers Children's Ministry


5th Sunday

Blandford United Service

See events for information



10.15am Mid-Week Service

A short said service (Usually HC)

followed by refreshments at 11am


Everyone is invited to join us for refreshments after the services.

Opportunities to Pray

(all in the Parish Church)

Tues 9.15am

Morning Prayer

using a traditional Celtic Liturgy


Weds 7am

Prayer for Renewal

an extended time of seeking God and His Spirit


Thurs 9.15am

Prayer for the Community

using Ffald-y-Brenin's weekly "Prayers of Blessing"


Sun 8.30am & 10.30am 

(or 9.30am on the 1st Sunday)

Prayers for the Service

asking God to work in our worship gatherings.


After the Service

Prayer Ministry

Responding to the talk and asking God to work in our lives.





(in the Parish Centre from Oct 31st)

Featured Events


For full events calendar please see here

Our Latest News...

Mar 25 Monthly Message image

Mar 25 Monthly Message

Dear Church Family,   The past month has been filled with reasons to celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness. As our community grows, God is seeking faithful people through whom He can...

Read more

Get in touch...

The Parish Centre
The Tabernacle
Blandford Forum
Dorset DT11 7DW


Phone: 01258 456260 

Parish Church

Parish Centre

Parking at BFPC

See the map below for locations of car parks near the church building.


Google Maps Links



Blandford Forum Parish Church is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all, especially young people and vulnerable adults. Our parish safeguarding policy can be found here, and the Church of England Safeguarding Handbook can be found here. If you have any concerns relating to the welfare of individuals with regard to church activities or ministries please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer:


 Mary Henley on


Alternatively, contact the Diocese of Salisbury Safeguarding Officers:


Jem Carter on 07469 857 888 or Suzy Futcher on 07500 664 800


In an emergency dial 999