children & families

Sunday Children's Ministry




1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays

During term time we have a Pre-School Group on the1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.

We share a Bible story and a snack, enjoy related activities like colouring, and games. There is also time and space for free play.



1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays

During term time we have a Children’s Group for those in Reception up to year 6, on the1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month. The children walk in convoy to the Parish Centre after 15mins with the adults and return for the end of the service.

We explore a story from the Bible, and enjoy related activities like playing games, craft, singing and prayer. There is also time and space for free play.



3rd Sunday - #AllTogetherAt11

This is a service for everyone to enjoy together on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Fun, interactive and inclusive. We enjoy singing (often action songs), a short talk and an interactive time with zones for those who like to be busy, reflective, colourful, chatty or to read. 





Little Peas

Our toddler group for 0-4s and their parents/carers. 9:30-11am on Wednesdays in the church centre during term time. We are a fun and friendly group with parent supervised play including sensory/messy play, snacks and drinks for adults and children and finish with a singing time. There is no charge for the group but we suggest a donation of £2 per family per week.



Guides & Brownies

The Guides and Brownies Group have been meeting in the Parish Centre for over a decade. This is a fun group which meets weekly. For more information and to express an interest in participating see 






Badminton Group

Whether you are a beginner or you’ve played before, everyone is welcome to join us on a Friday night 7 pm @ Blandford leisure centre. We range from 15- 85 so age is no barrier. If you are interested please contact Heidi via





Cinema Group

Do you enjoy sharing the occasional full cinematic experience with a group of like minded pals? The BFPC Adhoc Movie Club could be just what you’ve been looking for. So far we’ve been to see Top Gun Maverick and Thor Love and Thunder. If you’d like to know more, then contact Dan Roberts via

Community Transformation





Stay & Play

Over the school holidays we run stay and play sessions for families with primary school-aged children. Usually including games, crafting activities and a meal, they happen each Wednesday at 11am in the Parish Centre. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for the next sessions.



Citizens Advice

BFPC host the citizens advice service every Tuesday (10am-3pm) at the Parish Centre. If you need advice or assistance with Employment, housing, benefits, immigration, or anything else do come along. For more information, please phone Citizens Advice on 0800 144 8848 or email