May 24 Monthly Message

May 24 Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   We start this month with much to be thankful for. I always find it’s helpful to focus on what we can thank God for. We can cultivate a discipline of praise - a choice to praise God in all circumstances and to thank him for all that’s good in our lives. Not...

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March 24 Monthly Message

Dear Church Family,   At the start of the year I outlined the four priorities of mission and ministry for the year ahead.    Leadership – growing our capacity for mission Discipleship – growing our confidence in mission Children and Families &ndash...

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January Monthly Message

January Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   Happy New Year to you all. I hope that managed to find some time and space to relax and find refreshment over the Christmas Season? I come back to work feeling that little bit more relaxed than I did in the run up to Christmas. It was good to have some time off with...

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Ringing in the Coronation

Church Bell

Dear Members of the Community,  You may be aware that it’s not been possible to ring the bells of the parish church properly for some time. Although we’ve recently been able to reinstate the clock chimes, Covid-19 restrictions, the restoration work and the toppling of the...

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April 23 Monthly Message


Dear Church Family,   It seems like every time I wrote one of these messages there’s a lot to report to you all. We are now firmly back in the church building and settling into a new worshipping rhythm, although I know some of us are still struggling with knowing what’s happening...

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Some news about our clock chimes...

Some news about our clock chimes... image

Dear Members of the community,   You may be aware that the Parish Church clock chimes have been silent for most of the past year while building work was being undertaken. At one point during the year the chimes resumed, but we were made aware that the impact of doing so on some of those who...

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Lent 23 Message

Lent 23 Message image

Dear Church Family,   I am writing to you slightly earlier than normally as I’m away at a conference next week – which I do once a year, because it’s important to get fresh ideas, inspiration and challenge from beyond the context you’re in for the majority of your...

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February 23 - Monthly Message

February 23 - Monthly Message image

  Dear Church,   Looking back over the last few weeks there has been lots happening in the life of the church, with lots to celebrate also. We’ve moved to a 2-service format, with a 9am Traditional and 11am Contemporary Service. We’ve welcomed the Bishop to re-open...

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Anne Shire

Anne Shire image

Dear Church Family,   It’s never easy writing to inform you that one of our family is no longer with us. This afternoon I have the sad duty to let you know that Anne Shire passed away at 11.15 this morning (Tuesday 20th Dec).    Anne suffered a stroke yesterday, and...

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December Monthly Message

December Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   I’m excited about Christmas. In church life this is a busy season, but it’s also a great opportunity to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to a world that is looking for hope as we face many challenges in our society. All churches are looking to grow...

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November's Monthly Message

Remembrance Poppy Wreaths

Dear Church,   I’m writing to you this month feeling quite tired. As a family we were hoping to get a rest over half-term at the end of October, but were then beset by illness – and so actually feel more tired than before.   My thanks however go to all the team who have...

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October's Monthly Message

October's Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   It seems much more than a month since we had our Vision Sunday – but it was only four weeks ago. So much has happened in that time.   Obviously the major event over the past month was the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II. As I’ve written elsewhere most...

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September's Monthly Message

September's Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer and had some time to reconnect with family and friends. For me it seems that this summer has gone very quickly, and my children are having to re-engage with school no sooner than they’ve stopped for the summer.   We...

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Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II image

Dear Church Family,   I think it’s fair to say that many of us will be saddened but probably not surprised to hear the news of Queen Elizabeth’s passing yesterday. Her long life and her extensive reign was a testament of service and of her faith in Jesus, and we give thanks to...

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August's Monthly Message

August's Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   It was lovely to see so many of us gathered together with the rest of the churches in Blandford at the United Service this past weekend. I was struck by the sense of God’s presence as we worshipped and prayed in unity with one another. Many people have commented...

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July's Monthly Message

July's Monthly Message image

Dear Church Family,   There are so many things to be encouraged by in the life of our church. We have new people joining us, we are seeing more children actively playing a part in our worshipping life. Our hope is that this will continue over the next few weeks and months.   A couple...

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