Anne Shire

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14th January 2023

Dear Church Family,


It’s never easy writing to inform you that one of our family is no longer with us. This afternoon I have the sad duty to let you know that Anne Shire passed away at 11.15 this morning (Tuesday 20th Dec). 


Anne suffered a stroke yesterday, and was taken by Ambulance to Dorchester Hospital where she was treated in the Intensive Care Unit. Sadly there was little they could do as the bleed on her brain had been so severe. She didn’t suffer as she was unconscious after complaining of having a headache, and Heidi and Sara were with her whilst waiting for the ambulance.


Sara and I were able to go and visit her in hospital last night, and we were able to pray for her and anoint her in preparation to departing this world.


Anne was a much loved and ever-present member of our church community. She loved the church building in particular and had a whale of a time over the weekend coming along to the Kerby’s Wedding and the Christingle Service. She was so pleased to be back in the building and using it for worship once again, and was looking forward to the permanent return in January.


Obviously Anne not being with us leaves a massive hole in lots of what’s going on in church, but I am sure she would not want us to stop what we do. If anything she wouldn’t want a lot of fuss about her. In the next few days, weeks and months I think it would be appropriate to share the stories, memories and anecdotes of her and all that she meant to us as a community. 


She was loved, she wasn’t perfect (none of us are), but she was loved by us as a community. And we mourn her passing and will continue to do so in the months to come, but we also look forward to seeing her again in eternity, where no doubt she’ll already be chewing the fat with Pat Ellen.


Blessings to you all and be assured of my prayers at this time.



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