A Beacon of God's Hope for Blandford and Beyond.
We’re a community of faith in Blandford Forum, gathered together in worship, and declaring by word and action that there is hope for all in God through Jesus Christ.
Revitalise the Church, Transform the Town, Impact the Area and beyond. (Acts 1.8)
We long to see Blandford Forum Parish Church become sustainable and thrive as a worshipping community, making a significant kingdom difference in Blandford Forum, and impacting the surrounding area through the resourcing of the wider church.
We achieve the vision above by doing the following things:
- Pray -
Worship and prayer is at the core of all we do and is essential to being dependent of God.
- Equip -
We’re all called to be missional disciples, and we want to equip every member to be such through homegroups, relevant teaching and training.
- Grow -
We connect with those outside the church in the activities and ministries we run and communicate the hope of the gospel.
- Transform -
We seek to establish the kingdom of God in Blandford Forum through various activities that make a difference for the better in our community demonstrating gospel hope.
We want to be a church that reflects Jesus, and is becoming more like him in character as we obey the call to be missional disciples. The culture and behaviours we embody (or wish to) are expressed in the values below.
Dependent on God
All that we do is in dependency on God, through prayer and the empowering of His Holy Spirit. We respond in obedience to the Holy Spirit as we discern where God is leading us.
Prepared To Give It a Go
We believe that God is active and dynamic, leading us individually and corporately into change and growth. Therefore, we’re prepared to give new things a try, and risk failure, because this is what a life of faith and dependency looks like.
Radically Generous
In response to the immeasurable grace of God we are sacrificially generous with time, talents, financial giving and loving kindness – to see the Kingdom of God come in us, our town and the wider area.
Collaboration & Teamwork
The church is the body of Christ, made up of a collective of individuals called together and united in following him. We lay aside personal agendas, and commit to discerning and working together in seeking to be the body of Christ in Blandford Forum.
Committed to Seeing People Thrive
We believe that all should be welcomed, heard and have a place to worship and encounter God, belong, and be equipped as missional disciples within the life of the church, no matter their age, gender, ethnicity, worship preference, and relationship or family status.
Real Relationships
We belong to the church family as we are, without the need for pretence, or putting on a brave face. We endeavour to be honest and open about what’s going on in our lives thereby allowing others to care for us. Church is a community where we can receive comfort and healing.
Discipleship Practices
We gather regularly to worship with the community of faith.
We are a member of a smaller gathering where we can encourage and pray for one another and have deeper relationships with a few people in the church.
We set aside regular personal time to read scripture and to pray – deepening our understanding and our relationship with Jesus.
We give to church regularly and generously out of our income as a gift to God in response to his generosity towards us.
We play a part in making the community happen – on a Sunday and in the week as we are able. We reflect Christ in his love and service as we do this
We take the opportunities given to speak of the difference our faith in Jesus makes to us.
MEEt The Team
Amir Nazir
- Caretaker-
New here?
If you’re new and looking to engage with church, these are things that we think are helpful for you to know and engage with.
Get Connected
Fill out a contact details form to register with our church database and receive updates on what’s happening across the life of the church.
Small Groups
We encourage every church member to join a smaller group to provide a place to grow spiritually, deeper relationships and ongoing pastoral support.
If you’ve got questions about the Christian faith or want to explore more - Alpha is for you. It’s a place to ask those questions in a informal, relaxed low pressure environment.
Mission Partners
These are the organisations and initiatives which the Blandford Forum Parish Church PCC has agreed to support financially on an ongoing basis:
operate Blandford Foodbank.
Our giving is towards their provision of debt advice in Blandford and the wider area.
Dorset Youth
for Christ
Providing chaplaincy to schools & youthwork provision to churches across Dorset.
Anglican International Development
Our giving is to support the Diocese of Rokon, South Sudan in providing clean water to the area.
Partner Organisations
Diocese of Salisbury
a Christian community of people from across Dorset and Wiltshire making Jesus known.
supporting leaders, church teams and dioceses across London, England and beyond as they multiply disciples, churches and networks.
Get in touch...
The Parish Centre
The Tabernacle
Blandford Forum
Dorset DT11 7DW
Phone: 01258 456260
Email: office@bfpc.org.uk