The Things We Do as a Community of Jesus Followers




Worship is our highest calling as the followers of Jesus, and we want to create spaces for all to come and encounter God within our worship offerings. We offer a variety of styles of worship to allow for this. If you’re into formal, quiet and reflective, or informal contemporary and lively, then there’s something for you to join in with.


Service Times


We are a praying community and we offer various opportunities across the week to gather collectively and pray. These have different focuses, but we want to encourage all members of the church to grow and deepen their prayer lives by coming along.

Prayer Meetings


We encourage everyone to BELONG to a Small Group where they can develop relationships with a smaller group of people, be encouraged and grow in their faith through prayer and bible study, and offering a chance to exercise and develop their gifts within a supportive community. If you’re interested in joining a group then email Debby Griffiths at


Church is a community where everyone is asked to contribute in making it happen. There are various ministry activities (from welcome, to music, to serving drinks and much more as well…) that we ask members to support by serving in at least one at least once a month.





Giving is part of our Christian worship and allows us to keep the church running and invest in ministries that make a difference to our local community. We encourage all members of the church to give sacrificially towards this using the details below.


Acc Name: PCC Blandford Forum Parish Church

Acc No: 00087898

Sort Code: 30-90-92


For more information on how to give regularly to the life of the church please follow the link below or contact our treasurer, Philip Whitcomb at


Parish Giving Scheme


Give Online



We believe that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and therefore we want to share that message of love, forgiveness and life-giving purpose with as many as possible. We do this through equipping members to share that faith, but we also run something called Alpha which is a 10 week course looking at the basics of the Christian Faith and giving people the opportunity to ask questions openly and honestly without judgment. If you’re interested in coming on our next Alpha Course fill out the form below.



Get in touch...

The Parish Centre
The Tabernacle
Blandford Forum
Dorset DT11 7DW


Phone: 01258 456260 