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6th May 2024

Dear Church Family,


We start this month with much to be thankful for. I always find it’s helpful to focus on what we can thank God for. We can cultivate a discipline of praise - a choice to praise God in all circumstances and to thank him for all that’s good in our lives. Not that we don’t see the bad and the difficult, but that we don’t let it define our countenance. Many of you will know already that I start most meetings by asking the simple question “What’s encouraging and life giving at the moment in your life and/or in the life of the church?:” because I want us all to grow in this discipline - so that we get to a place where the things to rejoice over are so plentiful that we can’t but praise the Lord for his goodness and blessings. What is there in your life that you can be thankful for and give praise to God as a result? Let us grow in this as a community. I’m confident that as we do, we will become more attractive to those visiting or looking on.


Easter Sunday for me was a real milestone in my time at BFPC. To see 270 people in the church worshipping Jesus in unity from across the town was so amazing. I don’t think it can even be claimed that BEC’s congregation was solely responsible for that increase - there appeared to be lots of visitors. And with that there was a genuine energy and excitement as we worshipped and celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - it was definitely testament to the fact that He Is Risen!


People are continuing to join us as a community which is exciting. I don’t think we can claim this is down to us - as I said at the APCM last week. The credit and glory need to go to God. I am convinced that he is building his church here in Blandford Forum, and we get the exciting honour of seeing Him do so.


Last Wednesday we met for the APCM - where we elect Church Wardens and PCC Members. I delighted to say that Heidi Roberts and Stuart Britton were re-elected as Church Wardens, and Debby Griffiths and Rachel Anney were elected as PCC members for the next 3 years. They will join Philip Whitcomb (Deanery Synod Rep) and Sue Metelko, Rodney Smith, Gill Ablitt and Sara Loch. It was great to hear of the progress we have made as a church over 2023 - there were so many things to be thankful for. It was also very special to be prayed for by those attending. Vicaring is often a lonely and tiring exercise and yet I felt very supported. Thank you so much for all your support.


This Monday saw the deadline for application for our Children and School’s Minister post. I’m excited to say that we have 2 strong applicants. The PCC have authorised the interview to proceed and so we’ll be holding interviews for the post in the next few weeks and hopefully be able to announce a successful appointment by the end of the month. Please do be praying for this appointment - that all involved in the process will be able to discern whom God is calling to join the team and make a real difference in this critical area of mission and ministry.


On Saturday 4th we’re holding a church fayre to raise some funds for the repair of the weathervane. Please do be praying for good weather and a good turnout from the wider community. Not only do we want them to assist with funds, but also for them to be blessed by the church and to notice how the church is seeking to make a difference in the wider community. If you are able to help in any way, then please do let Philip or Tina know.


On Sunday (5th May) we start to run our Explorers Sunday children’s ministry at the monthly 10am Combined Service. This effectively means that we will have something on offer for children and families across the whole of the month. In addition to this the previous Explorers room (old church office) just off the vestibule is now an inviting creche space, with relaxing sofas, toys and a video feed of the service. We hope these two developments will contribute to seeing more families feel able to worship with us each Sunday.

On Thursday 9th May the church celebrates The Ascension - Jesus ascending to heaven and taking his place at the right hand of God the Father. As a result we’ll be holding a one-off service of Holy Communion at 7pm in church. There will be no mid-week service on the Thursday morning.


As many of you will no doubt be aware, we’re having our church weekend on 11th an 12th May where John and Anne Coles will be coming to speak to us. This is for everyone - not just for those who belong to a particular service. It’s an opportunity for us to worship together, to pray together, to grow together and to spend time with each other. The musical worship will reflect both congregations’ tastes, and we hope that John and Anne will be relatable to us all. John is a retired vicar who has seen churches grow, and has been seeking to equip churches across the nation and beyond to do so. I want to encourage everyone and anyone to sign up to the Saturday away day here ( (Cost is £15/adult) It’s still not too late to do so.  I honestly don’t want people to miss out on what I think will be a significant moment in the life of the church - hence why we’ve titled the weekend “Catalyst”. Please do also sign up at the back of church for the quiz on the Saturday evening (£5/hd inc fish and chips). John Coles was very excited about the chips!


On Sunday 19th May we will be celebrating Pentecost and we’re hoping to have a number of baptisms which we’ll be doing by full immersion. Isn’t it exciting to see people come to faith and want to be baptised as a result of the recent Alpha course? As it’s Pentecost and this is a significant moment in the life of the church, we’re going to combine our congregations and worship at 11am only that Sunday. We hope the stories of faith will inspire those new or relatively new to the church and those who have been coming for many years. So just for absolute clarity on Sunday 19th May there will only be an 11am Service at BFPC.


At the end of the month we’ll be hosting the New Tottenham Singers, who’ll be performing Faure’s Requiem with a gathering of singers from across the deanery on the Saturday evening, and then leading choral evensong on Sunday 26th. If you appreciate a more choral tradition of worship then please do come along on the Sunday. You’ll even have an opportunity to hear me sing the prayer responses - I’ll leave it to you to discern whether that’s a positive or a negative.


Sue Metelko has also graciously stepped in to take a lead on the initiatives to support ministry to seniors and the vulnerable. She’ll work primarily with Will to define where we invest time, energy and resources in this area so that we can grow in our impact in blessing and loving the wider community. Please do be praying for Sue and for everyone who contributes towards the various initiatives that we contribute to.


As you can see from all that’s above, there’s a lot going on, which is exciting. We continue to evolve as a community of faith - which is how a thriving community should be. My hope is that we continue to become more like Jesus, more confident in his gospel, and more bold in our proclamation of it through both word and deed. That’s what I continue to pay for for us. 


Blessings to you all.



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