Ringing in the Coronation

Church Bell

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Church Bell

Ringing in the Coronation


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3rd May 2023

Dear Members of the Community, 

You may be aware that it’s not been possible to ring the bells of the parish church properly for some time. Although we’ve recently been able to reinstate the clock chimes, Covid-19 restrictions, the restoration work and the toppling of the weathervane during Storm Eunice last year have meant that ringing the bells had to be curtailed until the various works were completed and the structure deemed safe. 

The steeplejacks have now successfully removed the remnants of the weathervane. This means that we are now able to ring the church’s complete peal of 8 bells properly for the first time in over three years – and just in time for the coronation weekend!

Blandford’s team of ringers are planning to herald the new King’s coronation to the town by ringing the church bells at 9.00am on Coronation Day (Sat 6th May – this coming Saturday). They will ring in a set of sequences which will last approximately 30 minutes. Our bells make a glorious sound and we think this will be a wonderful way to mark the start of the day’s celebrations. Do listen out for them!

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Church Bell

Ringing in the Coronation


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